That Make Running Your Business Easier
Would you like a business that runs without you?Want to know how to do this the easy way?
If you’re like most business owner, you started your business with the objective of providing a great lifestyle for you and your family.
What you ended up with was working more hours than your staff and often for less money. The result is you are probably asking the question ‘What did I do wrong?’ and ‘How do I fix it?’.
If this is you, I already know you’re :-
- Time poor
- Stressed
- Worried about money and
- Wondering what on earth you’ve got yourself into
This is why most Australian businesses don’t last more than five years and very few survive past ten years. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Let me explain. All too often the reason why this happens is an over reliance on the owner and a lack of documented systems and procedures. This means the business owner often can’t leave their business for a long period of time and is usually stressed and can’t relax properly for the time they are away from the business.
In Australia a large number of people start a business because they have a brilliant idea or know they can do better than their boss, however – have no thoughts or skills in methodology of growing a business in a way that can survive without them.
Don’t you feel jealous of business owners that have great cash flow and also can go on extensive holidays and fully switch off from their business? The difference between you and them is that they have mastered systems, procedures and delegation.
* Or are you a C.E.O. or Manager that knows the lack of the right systems are causing you stress and preventing you from growing the business and having the time to do your job properly as your time and headspace is taken up with unecessary problems that you know tight systems would reduce or eliminate. You’d rather be the type of C.E.O or Manager that has the time to focus on the higher level tasks you love and were engaged to do.
.Which would you prefer, what they have or what you have? If you’d prefer what they have then
Let me introduce myself
My name is Linda McMahon and for over 12 years I’ve been helping business owners go from being stressed and chained to their desk or business and have no time for fun, family, and holidays to being back in control with the freedom to be away from the business with the peace of mind it can run without them being there. Unlike other programs and assistance that tell you what to do and you can’t implement because you’re too busy! We know you’re time-poor, so we assist you and deliver a hands-on customised solution to free up time as you go so your not overwhelmed and you have the time and headspace needed to implement.
We work side by side with the business owner, Managers and key staff on the ‘business-specific’ procedures and get the job done using tools, strategies, and templates that just make it easy. These procedures lead to a streamlined business, make it easier to train staff, reduce anxiety, and create more freedom for the business owner, as well as a better environment for employees.
You’ll be relieved to know with our strategies and tools, it’s much easier than you think!
Our assistance can easily get all that valuable information out of you and your staff members’ heads, free up time so you can be working on higher-level tasks, and provide more customer satisfaction, money, and a stress-free workplace.

With Compliments, 45 Minute 'Take Control Session'

If this appeals to you, book a 45 minute ‘Take Control Session’ and we’ll identify where you are now and what you’d like to achieve and see if we are a match for me to help you.

Since working with Linda, our company revenue has increased by 51.1% without more stress to me, our managers or our team – which is the best part!
Linda has helped move our company processes from a complex dynamic into a well organised and seamless system critical to scale up.
Working with Linda has been influential across multiple areas of the business. From a management perspective her mentoring and support around wellness, delegation and a more balanced distribution of workload has played a critical role in long term sustainability.
New tools and processes introduced to the sales team will assist with a shorter transition period for new team members and has contributed to a clearer framework supporting better workflows for existing team members.
Prior to our work with Linda, all company documents and processes were stored in a cloud-based drive – which was hard to manage, lacked intelligent structure and was frustratingly time hungry in our often fast paced work dynamic. Linda introduced us to and set us up in System Hub which has been simply transformative for our company.
Linda is easy to work with and is deeply committed to the process. I think all companies who are focused on the critical foundations to support growth should engage her services.
Melissa Bridson
School Stream

Within six weeks of working with Linda, I was able to take a week’s holiday and was not contacted once, before that I couldn’t even leave the office for half a day.
Within a year of working with Linda, our sales went up by 77% and profit increased by 20%.
We simply couldn’t have scaled the way we have, without the procedures system in place — I use them every day and I know that my staff do as well.
They really helped us to get past the stage of having to ask ‘that guy’ whenever we wanted to know how to do something. It really helps with training new staff as well.
I highly recommend Linda and Essential Systems Solutions to get your business cranking!
Ben Hitchcock
Jobman Pty Ltd