How To Free Up Time and Headspace

1. Capture operational tasks Captured processes for the core tasks of the business in training videos, documents and/or checklists, ensures consistency and efficiency across the whole business. This allows owners, C.E.O.’s and Managers  to shift their focus from micromanagement to big-picture thinking.   It also frees up not only every staff members time but management as well due to less fires to put out and increased productivity and profit which can then be used to grow the business. *This includes capturing the tasks you do so you can delegate.

As this step is the first step in the solution, consider getting an expert systems consultant to assist if possible. See below if you’d like to chat about.

2.    Seek external support With more profit due to more efficient operations from systemising, you now can engage more experts such as consultants, service providers, mentors, or coaches that can not only save you even more time but provide an outside perspective and help identify growth opportunities.

3.    Delegate and empower employees Once you have your procedures captured and have made clear guidelines for employees you can now delegate with confidence. This will not only free up your time so you can focus on growth and strategic planning and higher end tasks but this also empowers your team.

4. Eliminate/automate/leverage As you are freeing up time, you can now put your focus on some quick wins by looking at efficiencies, what steps can be eliminated in your business and what can be more automated? Why isn’t this the first step? Sometimes it can be but usually because if you are chasing your tail with no time or headspace it’s impossible to even look at these solutions even if you have an expert assisting.

You need first need to capture how things are done and what’s falling through the cracks and what outcome you want and you need some head space to make the right decisions.   Trying to make decisions like this whilst you are overwhelmed or don’t have enough time to analyse the solutions can be risky to your bank account and business as a whole. From improving processes to eliminating unnecessary steps to leveraging existing software or adding new CRM’s or tech, these actions can free up time day after day, week after week, year after year.

5.    Use time saved effectively Once you have systemised, delegated, outsourced and automated, you can then use the time saved effectively by refining workflow even more and have the ability for continued improvements as your business grows.

You will then be in a position to set aside dedicated time for strategic planning, innovation, culture, customer churn, critical thinking and future proofing your business.  You are now also in a position to look at refining workflow and continued improvement.

*If you don’t systemise and delegate first, you can use all the strategies and time management tools you like but it won’t make any difference.

Make It Easy By implementing systems it will streamline operations, increase efficiencies and profits. It also creates the space needed for strategic thinking, innovation, and growth in this fast paced and competitive landscape. It also allows for expansion and the ability to enter new markets which improve their sustainable success and long term viability.

*There’s a lot more than you think to capturing your systems, reach out if you’re a business owner and you’d like to have a chat around the quickest and easiest way to systemise, as this is what I specialise in, here’s how to contact me-

Linda McMahon

Time Management and Systems Consultant

0418 991 636

Essential System Solutions