What Others Are Saying

“Linda has helped move our company processes from a complex dynamic into a well organised and seamless system, critical to scale up.”
Working with Linda has been influential across multiple areas of the business. From a management perspective her mentoring and support around wellness, delegation and a more balanced distribution of workload has played a critical role in long term sustainability.
Since working with Linda, our company revenue has also increased by 51.1% without more stress to me, our managers or our team – which is the best part!
New tools and processes introduced to the sales team will assist with a shorter transition period for new team members and has contributed to a clearer framework supporting better workflows for existing team members.
Prior to our work with Linda, all company documents and processes were stored in a cloud-based drive – which was hard to manage, lacked intelligent structure and was frustratingly time hungry in our often fast paced work dynamic. Linda introduced us to and set us up in System Hub which has been simply transformative for our company.
Linda is easy to work with and is deeply committed to the process. I think all companies who are focused on the critical foundations to support growth should engage her services.
Melissa Bridson
School Stream
Smart parent communication with Australia’s most trusted school app.

“Within a year of working with Linda our sales
went up by 77% and our profit increased by 20%!”
Within six weeks of working with Linda, I was able to take a week’s holiday and was not contacted once, before that I couldn’t even leave the office for half a day.
Within a year of working with Linda our sales went up by 77% and profit increased by 20%.
We simply couldn’t have scaled the way we have, without the procedures system in place — I use them every day and I know that my staff do as well.
They really helped us to get past the stage of having to ask ‘that guy’ whenever we wanted to know how to do something. It really helps with training new staff as well.
I highly recommend Linda and Essential Systems Solutions to get your business cranking!
Ben Hitchcock
Jobman Pty Ltd
Job Management and Tracking Software For The Manufacturing Industry

“After systemising with Linda we were moving into our peak season and our office team felt they were not madly running around like headless chooks for once.
I looked at the numbers and realised we were also up 20% in bookings with less staff wages!”
The key component were the staff look and feel happier and are working in sync as a team without needing to consult with me as much which used to be frustrating and time-consuming.
I feel like there is not the heavy weight on my shoulders to be in the office constantly. I’ve cut my hours down considerably each week and with the systems in place have the confidence my team achieve well and have everything covered whilst I’m not there which I am so grateful for.
Linda provided us with AMAZING support, structure and patience. She goes that extra mile to properly connect with you as an individual and as a business so that she can provide a thorough service that is achieving things.
We have poured a lot of time, and money into technology and with the support of Linda we have now been able to see the benefits! We now have the time and resources and equipped office staff to grow the business in a way we never could before.
Thanks so much Linda 😊
Jane Fita
Flyco The Green Pesty
Environmentally Friendly Pest Control

“I’m back to loving our business again and also get a 3 day weekend!”
Before I worked with Essential System Solutions I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed and my enthusiasm for our business was very thin.
The personalised guidance was invaluable – I love that Linda tuned into my personal wellbeing as well as the nuts and bolts of running the business efficiently. I now feel more in control and have a greater sense of calm during the workday.
The tools and procedures developed with Linda made it easy to gain efficiencies in general tasks and also allowed us to attract and train wonderful new personal, resulting in great staff and lots of time saved. We now have the systems and staffing structure that has relieved a lot of unhelpful stress for both my husband and I.
We’ve also gone from working from 6 days a week in the business to 4 whilst continuing to provide the highest quality results and service. I’m back to loving our business again and also get a 3 day weekend and can’t thank Linda enough.
Vivien Atcheson
General Manager
Man Made Creations Pty Ltd
Making Furniture That Won’t Cost The Earth

“I now have the training material, videos, procedures and checklists and this helps me sleep at night!”
I knew I couldn’t scale or grow the business without systems, however, systemising was always put off. What I found with Linda, she has a wonderful way of working with you and her excellent accountability, strategies, tools, and templates have been incredibly helpful in supporting and motivating me to build out the systems the easiest way possible.
After working with Linda, I now have the training material, the videos, the step-by-step procedures and checklists that we’ve built out for the team. That gives me a great deal of confidence, because I want to scale the business, and of course have freedom and time away from work as well, but I don’t want quality to drop for my clients. So that’s a wonderful feeling. It helps me sleep at night.
I can only say thank you, Linda. It’s been incredible working with you. My advice to any business owners or managers thinking about this process is, go for it. A), you need to systemise your business because things can and will go wrong. B), working with Linda is just a no-brainer, I can only recommend Essential System Solutions as highly as I possibly can, thanks.
Matt Knight
Buyers Agent
Helping you buy smarter, sooner and easier
than before so you can spend time loving life!

“I now feel more in control, happier, less stressed and have time for things I love.”
Since doing Linda’s ‘Productivity To Profit’ program, my life has transformed. I went from working 75 hours a week to 50 hours a week and I got my weekends back which were a rare thing in the past.
I learnt invaluable strategies and took action in a supported and accountable environment to save time, increase productivity and now value and look after myself more and enjoy a greater lifestyle.
I went from doing everything myself and was headed for burn out to now having a team of amazing people assisting me to build my business. A book keeper, a Business Development Manager, a Lawyer, a personal assistant and a logistics crew.
I now have the time and headspace to work more ON the business instead of IN it and my business is due for the biggest growth ever in the next year as we move to the US and UK.
I am now in the space to really enjoy it as we grow.
I now feel more in control, happier, less stressed and have time for things I love to do.
I can recommend Linda’s program to those who are looking to improve their personal productivity and reduce their workload!
Sheryll Fisher
Outback Initiatives

“With the systems and procedures we now don’t need to do everything ourselves anymore. We are able to train team members easily!”
With the systems and procedures we now don’t need to do everything ourselves anymore. We are able to train team members easily and the correct way as opposed to the time consuming chore of different people training in different ways.
We can also trust that our clients are going to receive their products with the same high quality every time due to the procedures.
All this has allowed us to have more time to push the business in the right direction and it gives our team members ownership in their departments as they can tweak and improve or create more procedures as they go due to all the tools we have to do it.
A huge thank you to Essential System Solutions for making us realise its not just large companies that can run smoothly with systems and procedures.
All the weekly support and keeping us accountable as well as working with us to help us create easy to understand systems and procedures has been fantastic. It’s definitely set us up to be able to expand and grow knowing we have the foundations right.
Warren and Richard Games
Serengeti Print Group
We strive for perfection, accept excellence

“Linda has helped me with the building blocks to grow my business with her easy to implement systems.”
They are the best procedure documents I’ve ever seen so now I can grow my business in a measurable way. These systems are definitely essential and I can’t thank Linda enough for making my business more streamlined.
Karina McDonald
Your Virtual Business Centre

“Linda helped me uncover what was important and create more freedom.”
Linda has an amazing gift for helping others see what is important and to realise what isn’t. After just two weeks of her time management coaching, I was experiencing so much reward and renewed purpose.
Her strategies helped me separate and get more enjoyment out of both my personal and business time, gave me more clarity, focus and less worry. Thanks Linda
Danielle Storey,
Founder of the multi million dollar business – The Cartridge Family, Million Dollar Relationships and the Exhibiting and Sponsorship Institute.

“Linda has helped me grow my business exponentially by developing systems and procedural documents which I needed to make my business less complicated”
After such an amazing time management course with Linda, she is now helping me grow my business by developing systems and procedural documents which are saving me so much time and money.
Linda has an amazing attention to detail and a knack for making business easy.
Melonie Taylor
Success On Purpose

“I got off the treadmill”
Linda has allowed me to clear my headspace by getting things out of my head and into a system that led to action. I now compartmentalise my work and see the bigger picture with a new clarity.
Using Linda’s strategies, I have reduced interruptions, improved delegation and structured my time more effectively. This means I get more jobs done that I was putting off and have extra time to work on the more important areas of the business.This has allowed me to obtain a healthy surplus in one of the toughest years economically, secure an additional half million dollars of funding and freed time to focus on building new business partnerships that will be of long term benefit.
Linda’s encouragement and guidance were empowering. She has my highest recommendations.
Anthea Packer
Head Ranger
Parklands Albury Wodonga